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postpartum depression and baby blues

Managing postpartum depression and baby blues is crucial for the well-being of both the mother and the baby. The period following childbirth can be an emotional rollercoaster for new mothers, with feelings of sadness, anxiety, and overwhelm accompanying the surge of joy and love for the new baby. So, what can be done? Read on […]

Managing Postpartum Depression and Baby Blues

Maternity, Newborn, The Blog

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safe and enjoyable bath time for newborns

Setting up a safe and enjoyable bath time for your baby is an essential part of a baby’s routine. It provides cleanliness and an opportunity for bonding and relaxation with you; creating some of the sweetest memories you’ll have as a parent. In fact, many babies love the feel of the warm water, practicing their […]

Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Bath Time for Your Baby

Newborn, The Blog

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benefits of skin to skin contact

The benefits of skin-to-skin contact with your newborn are increasingly being emphasized to parents. The arrival of a newborn is a magical time filled with joy, excitement, and a bit of anxiety as new parents navigate the best ways to care for their little one. How does this “Kangaroo Care,” as it’s called by professionals, […]

The Benefits of Skin-to-Skin Contact with your Newborn

Newborn, The Blog

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the right stroller for your baby

Choosing the right stroller for your baby can be one of the most daunting purchases you’ll make as a parent. Not only does the right stroller ensure your baby’s safety and comfort, but it also saves you the stress and expense of frequently replacing a poor-quality stroller. With so many options available on the market, […]

How to Choose the Right Stroller for Your Baby


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keep your baby cool

It’s the summer, and mamas are asking, “How do I keep my baby cool during this hot weather?” Well, I won’t blame them because hot weather can be tough for babies, especially those who are susceptible to heat-related illnesses. Those illnesses are due to their inability to regulate their body temperature effectively. As a parent, […]

How to Keep Your Baby Cool During Hot Weather

Newborn, The Blog

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DIY nursery decor

DIY nursery decor is starting to become the trend of the day for new and old parents alike. Not only does this trend provide parents with an opportunity to personalize and beautify their little angel’s space, but it also allows the family to bond, especially if there are older kids. So, what are some of […]

DIY Nursery Decor Ideas

Newborn, The Blog

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shampoo and conditioner for babies

Choosing the right shampoo and conditioner for babies in their early stages is a crucial aspect of caring for them. With their sensitive skin and delicate scalp, babies need gentle products free from harmful chemicals. So, how do you identify the standout shampoo and conditioner for babies on the market? And where can you find […]

Best Shampoo/Conditioner for Babies in Canton


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best baby wash for sensitive skin

Keeping your baby’s delicate skin safe and healthy is essential, and choosing the best baby wash is a big part of that. With countless options on the market, it can be tricky to find the perfect match for your little one. In this guide, I’ll walk you through some top recommendations for gentle products, specially […]

Best Baby Wash for Your Little Ones Sensitive Skin

Milestone, Newborn, The Blog

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newborn bath time tips for new parents

Newborn bath time is a cherished experience for many parents, offering a precious opportunity for bonding and relaxation without distractions. As your little one delights in the sensation of water on their delicate skin, you can also savor the moments of closeness and connection. So, what exactly are the essentials for newborn bath time? Join […]

Newborn Bath Time Help: A Complete Guide to Bathing Your Baby

Newborn, The Blog

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nursery items must haves

Getting ready for your little one’s arrival is such an exciting time and part of the fun is picking out all those adorable nursery items. Whether you’re planning to set up the nursery in your bedroom or transforming a whole room, it’s all about creating a space that’s comfy and welcoming. So, let’s dive into […]

Must-Have Nursery Items for New Parents

Maternity, The Blog

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