Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with anticipation and excitement, but it can also bring about its fair share of challenges. One common issue that many expecting mothers face is pregnancy fatigue. As a newborn and maternity photographer in Akron, OH, I hear about this constantly, so I thought I’d provide some info on it […]
Pregnancy brings a myriad of changes to a woman’s body, including the feet! Increased weight, hormonal shifts, and swelling are common occurrences that affect foot size and shape during this time. Walking can become painful and stressful, Choosing appropriate footwear becomes crucial to alleviate discomfort and support overall foot health during this transformative period. Let’s […]
Pregnancy brain is a common occurrence during the beautiful and exciting time of pregnancy in someone’s life. Along with the joyous moments, there are several changes that a woman goes through, both physically and emotionally. One of the most common changes pregnant women experience is “Pregnancy Brain.” You know, that thing where you forget what […]