Early Warning Signs of Postpartum Depression for Akron Moms

signs of post partum depression

Knowing the warning signs of postpartum depression are essential for new moms to be aware of. Becoming a new mom is one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life, but it can also be stressful and anxious. 

Welcoming a new life into the world can be overwhelming for new moms, and it’s not uncommon for some to experience postpartum depression, a serious mental health condition. Recognizing the warning signs is important to get the support needed to feel better.

Sadness, Emptiness, or Hopelessness

Feeling some sadness or “baby blues” is normal after giving birth. Your  hormones are still stabilizing and your life is on a whole new kind of schedule. Still, if the feelings persist for more than two weeks or start interfering with your ability to care for yourself or your baby, it may be one of the warning signs of postpartum depression. 

signs of post partum depression in blog photo of mom holding newborn twins

Difficulty Bonding with the Baby

Bonding with your baby can take time, and having some difficulty at first is normal. However, if you’re not interested in spending time with your baby or need help connecting with them, reach out for help. It can be especially concerning if you feel a sense of detachment or resentment towards your baby. 

Loss of Interest in Activities

One of the most common warning signs of postpartum depression is that you may feel a sense of numbness or disinterest in the things that used to make you happy. This can also make engaging with your baby or taking care of yourself challenging. For example, if you loved painting before having a baby, and suddenly find it to be the most daunting task, that may be a sign something is off.

Extreme Fatigue or Lack of Energy

Extreme fatigue or lack of energy is one of the early warning signs of postpartum depression. If you are sleeping more than what you think you should be, or you’re noticing that your energy levels just aren’t rising, talk to your doctor. This can make it difficult to care for your baby and yourself and contribute to feelings of hopelessness or helplessness. 

signs of post partum depression in blog photo of mom holding newborn

Changes in Appetite

Changes in appetite are common for new moms, but not eating enough or overeating is actually one of the most common warning signs of postpartum depression. You may find that you have no appetite or use food to cope with sadness or anxiety. Changes in appetite can also affect your energy levels and mood.

Irritability or Anger

If you find yourself getting upset quicker, having a shorter fuse, or snapping at people for reasons that seem unreasonable, you may want to speak to your doctor. This can be your hormones slowly trying to rebalance themselves, but it may also be something more serious. This can affect your ability to care for yourself or your baby and is one of the warning signs of postpartum depression. 

Anxiety or Panic Attacks

Feeling anxious is normal for new moms, but if you’re experiencing anxiety or panic attacks that interfere with your daily life, it can be dangerous for you and your newborn. Anxiety or panic attacks often feel like pressure in your chest, getting really hot, your mind racing, the room spinning, rapid breathing or an inability to catch your breath, and an urge to run. If you’re experiencing any of these, consult your doctor.

signs of post partum depression in blog photo of mom holding newborn

Final Thoughts

Postpartum depression is a severe condition that affects many new moms, but it’s important to remember that help is available. If you’re experiencing any warning signs of postpartum depression, don’t hesitate to talk to your healthcare provider or a mental health professional.

Before You Go

Since you’re looking up the warning signs of postpartum depression, you likely just had a baby yourself! One popular way to address PPD is to actually work on bonding methods with your little one. An incredible way to do this is through a newborn photography session where you are involved in the shoot! My sessions help you bond with your baby and remind you that you are a beautiful, powerful human being even when you don’t quite feel like yourself! Reach out to me to talk about scheduling!

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