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safe and enjoyable bath time for newborns

Setting up a safe and enjoyable bath time for your baby is an essential part of a baby’s routine. It provides cleanliness and an opportunity for bonding and relaxation with you; creating some of the sweetest memories you’ll have as a parent. In fact, many babies love the feel of the warm water, practicing their […]

Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Bath Time for Your Baby

Newborn, The Blog

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the right stroller for your baby

Choosing the right stroller for your baby can be one of the most daunting purchases you’ll make as a parent. Not only does the right stroller ensure your baby’s safety and comfort, but it also saves you the stress and expense of frequently replacing a poor-quality stroller. With so many options available on the market, […]

How to Choose the Right Stroller for Your Baby


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baby's first day home

Bringing your newborn home for the first time is a momentous occasion filled with a mix of excitement, joy, and perhaps a touch of nervousness. As a newborn photographer here in Akron, Ohio, I’ve had the privilege of capturing countless precious moments for families as they welcome their newest member. In this article, we’ll explore […]

Capturing the Magic: A Glimpse into Baby’s First Day Home


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